Action for Success Program

The Communities In Schools of Brunswick County “Action For Success” Program addresses dropout prevention through case management of elementary and middle school students with identified risk factors. Students with multiple risk factors for dropping out of school (such as poor grades, low End of Grade test scores, behavior issues, frequent disciplinary referrals, poor attendance, and retention) are identified by teachers, school guidance counselors, and school administration. Students are then provided with multiple layers of intervention.
Students may remain in case management until they leave the school or until their established goals are achieved. A level of commitment from both the parent and student is required for the student to enter the program. Each student in the program will have an individualized service plan developed to address his or her identified academic, behavioral, social, and emotional needs.
The Communities In Schools (CIS) Success Coach will work with each student through case management according to that student’s identified needs. The student’s service plan will provide resource linkage for both the student and the parents. The Success Coach will also serve as liaison between the family and school. The program staff will assure that each student’s needs are addressed and that each student is challenged to meet his or her potential. The multiple levels of support will help ensure that no student falls through the cracks, no problems go unnoticed, and that each student feels valued and connected to the school, staff, and peers.
For more information regarding the Action for Success, please contact Mallory Wells, Program Operations Officer at (910) 351-8007 or