Attention: Wishing all Brunswick County Schools students a Merry Christmas and an enjoyable Winter Break!

CIS Peer Court changing student lives

Mar. 06, 2019 | Spotlight on Success

Mikayla has has been active and volunteering in Peer Court for two years at Cedar Grove Middle School. She says, “CIS at CGMS makes you feel very included. I love working with…Read More

Richard – Waccamaw School

Mar. 03, 2019 | Volunteer Highlights

Mr. Richard Reardon is an active volunteer in the CIS Action for Success Program at Waccamaw School. He participates in tutoring groups, Friends of Rachel after-school club, and recently helped to recruit…Read More

Ann – Leland Middle School

Mar. 01, 2019 | Volunteer Highlights

Ann Toohey is a CIS Lunch Buddy at Leland Middle School and also serves as our CIS Counselor at LMS. She has been working with the program since it started at LMS…Read More

Kathleen – Waccamaw School

Feb. 20, 2019 | Volunteer Highlights

Mrs. Kathleen MacDonald has been volunteering with the CIS Action for Success Program at Waccamaw School for almost the entire 2016-2017 school year. She is the representative between the CIS program at…Read More