Attention: Wishing all Brunswick County Schools students and their families a Happy 2025!

Stay Informed

Building Strong Character Brick by Brick at Lincoln Elementary

Brick-by-Brick is a new program this year at Lincoln Elementary School. The club is sponsored by the CIS Action for Success Program under the direction of  Success Coach Morgan Fragale (pictured), and Lincoln Elementary School staff. The program is designed to foster positive relationships, build confidence and self-esteem, and explore life skills. Brick-by-Brick is specifically designed for 4th and 5th grade boys to provide positive male role models, mentoring, and support systems as they navigate the school year and beyond. Meetings place twice a month on Friday mornings at 7:30am.
The club provides students with:
Expressive Art / Hands On Building Experience
Guest Speakers / Career Exploration
Peer Relations / Conflict Resolution
Physical Education / Organized Sports Games
Mentorships / Relationship Building
The Brick by Brick program is just one way that CIS and Brunswick County Schools are working together to be #AllinforKids

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