Attention:Wishing all Brunswick County Schools students a wonderful 2024-2025 school year!

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CIS Action for Success planting education SEAD in Brunswick County

Does today’s education fully prepare students for their future? Governing bodies have emphasized the academic skills our students need. Education also needs to compliment the focus on academics with the development of the social and emotional skills that are equally essential for students to thrive in school, career, and life.

When schools fully integrate Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) into K-12 education, academic performance improves, students are more engaged in school, and more likely to graduate high school and attend and graduate from college. Evidence also shows that students with healthy social and emotional development are more successful in the workforce and experience greater lifetime well-being.

In the same way that academic skills can be developed, social and emotional skills can be nurtured and developed through student’s school experience. Using SEAD methods in student groups prepares students to connect with others, make responsible decisions, communicate, solve problems, think critically, be resilient, persevere, and work in teams—key skills to gain access into the future workforce.

The mission of Communities In Schools of Brunswick County (CIS) is built on student success. CIS’ mission is to “surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.” CIS Action for Success Dropout Prevention Program is a primary partner for providing opportunities and supporting student achievement and success in Brunswick County Schools. CIS programs provide excellent, life-changing student services to help keep children in school and achieve in life. The unique aspect of the CIS Action for Success program is the placement of CIS Success Coaches in each school for individualized student assistance and intervention. Obstacles and challenges arise for students that can negatively influence their education. CIS Success Coaches provide students with a trusting one-on-one relationship with a caring adult to help them overcome their challenges and succeed at their highest potential.

Many students in schools today face struggles that we don’t even realize exist and CIS programming helps move toward a positive path focused on self-respect, opportunity, and growth. Students are becoming stronger academically and behaviorally. The relationship with a caring adult, their CIS Success Coach, and dedicated community volunteers, has helped them become more connected with their education and see increased opportunities for themselves.

SEAD methods make education a true integration of social, emotional, and academic development giving students a better chance of success in school, career, and life. A student’s ability to focus, manage emotions, and stay engaged, plays an important role in his or her ability to process new concepts and ultimately learn. Students who can work collaboratively and communicate effectively are better able to use their academic knowledge to perform in school now and in the workplace later. At the same time, these skills help young people build the strong relationships that are such a big part of leading a fulfilling life.

CIS is continuing to work with Brunswick County Schools to provide dropout prevention services integrating SEAD programs and methods with CIS Action for Success programs located in Cedar Grove Middle School, Leland Middle School, Shallotte Middle School, South Brunswick Middle School, Waccamaw School serving K-8, and Supply Elementary School. SEAD student groups are being used as part of the CIS Action for Success program.

The efforts of CIS making a difference in the lives of students and families are proven and reinforced each year. In the 2017-2018 school year, CIS work resulted in more than 4,221 young people and families receiving services including academic tutoring, social enrichment, and evidence-based intervention services that reach far beyond the classroom.

During the 2017-2018 school year, 352 students received individualized case management in the CIS AFS program.

  • 88% of students referred for low performance in Math or Reading improved skills, based on report cards and end of grade testing.
  • 82% of students referred for behavior issues showed a documented change in behavior, based on school disciplinary records.
  • 79% of students referred for truancy issues improved attendance, based on school attendance records.
  • 99% of students provided with CIS case managed services were promoted to the next grade.

Helping more students succeed and preparing them for a strong future is important work and CIS is striving to reach more students every day. Our staff are focused on our mission of improving student lives and find ways to be resourceful, delivering excellent programs and services, no matter what hurdles are presented. For more information about CIS of Brunswick County and our Action for Success program, please contact CIS at 910-351-8007 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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