Attention: Wishing all Brunswick County Schools students and their families a Happy 2025!

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The Loucks – Shallotte Middle School

Volunteer lunch buddies have lunch with students giving them an opportunity to share and have one on one time with someone who cares. Kim and Carolyn Loucks have volunteered for the past five years with CIS at Shallotte Middle School as lunch buddies. The Loucks stated that, “For our middle school lunch buddies, we’re adults that listen; we’re a sounding board for their ideas, and provide a voice of reason to help put them on the right track.”

The Loucks say they also benefit from being lunch buddies. “Being a lunch buddy has allowed us to develop relationships with young people and provide our buddies with a caring, interested adult that will listen to what’s going on in their lives, and provide support and encouragement for whatever they want to do. We love being lunch buddies for our students.”

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