Ann – Leland Middle School
Ann Toohey is a CIS Lunch Buddy at Leland Middle School and also serves as our CIS Counselor at LMS. She has been working with the program since it started at LMS in 2010.
Ann Toohey is a CIS Lunch Buddy at Leland Middle School and also serves as our CIS Counselor at LMS. She has been working with the program since it started at LMS in 2010.
Marsha has been volunteering at the Southport CIS Thrift Shop for over 9 years. She loves meeting customers and new volunteers and a great way to give back to her community. She…Read More
A $25,000 grant has been received to support the CIS Action for Success Program. This CIS program places Success Coaches in local high-need schools to provide additional support and intervention to at…Read More
As each summer ends and students return to school, the new year brings increased student needs and demand for volunteers to assist Communities In Schools of Brunswick County (CIS) in changing student…Read More