Attention: Wishing all Brunswick County Schools students and their families a Happy 2025!

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CIS Success Coach + Community Volunteer Tutor = Success for Town Creek Middle School Student

Robert has been at Town Creek Middle School for three years. The 2023/2024 school year was his first year with Communities In Schools. He was referred to CIS through the school counselor to help him with Math. The CIS Success Coach didn’t know Robert before he was referred to the program but learned very quickly that he is a very sweet and bright student. He is also a part of the school Robotics Club.

He was referred to the Success Coach halfway through the 1st quarter and CIS  assigned a volunteer tutor to work one-on-one with him. He had a rough start this year but with support from his Success Coach and getting him working with a volunteer tutor, he has continued to do better in Math. For the First Quarter he had a failing check in score. Then in the second quarter he was just passing, but by the 3rd quarter he was up to a score of 76! Robert was so very proud of this score on the 3rd quarter check in that he came to Maureen Norcross, his Success Coach, to show her his score, with so much excitement on his face.

Robert is a perfect example of how extra support outside the classroom can help in many ways. Robert completed 8th grade in May 2024 so he will not be attending Town Creek Middle next year but his Success Coach knows Robert will do well in high school as he has improved Math skills and is motivated to be successful. Great job Robert!

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