Attention: Wishing all Brunswick County Schools students and their families a Happy 2025!

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Student Success

Harmony is a 3rd grader at Supply Elementary School in the CIS Action for Success program. She lives in a single parent household with two siblings. One of her siblings attends Supply Elementary as well and is currently involved with the CIS 21st Century Community Learning Center afterschool program, while the other sibling was previously involved with 21st CCLC and CIS Action for Success while at Supply.

Harmony was referred to the CIS AFS program because of low performance in core subject areas. Harmony struggled with reading and math holding a 68 (D) in English Language Arts (ELA), and 62 (D) in Math. She had a difficult time responding to short-answer and open-ended reading comprehension questions as well as struggling to recall what happened in a story. In addition to comprehension, Harmony had problems with spelling and forming complete sentences on her homework. Multiplication facts and working through division problems in Math were also difficult for Harmony. Her academic difficulties and other challenges led her to also struggle with behavior and making good choices in the classroom. This led to Harmony working with the school principal and being placed in a check-in check-out (CICO) behavior tracker program where she receives points on a scale of 0-2 in different target behavior categories each day to reach a set goal.

Harmony also participates in two CIS AFS sessions per week where she receives mentoring with her CIS Success Coach at Supply Elementary Drew Jordan during lunch. She also receives math and reading tutoring after lunch, and a group session focused on Math and ELA tutoring.

Harmony is a very determined and competitive student. She comes to tutoring with a beaming smile, always eager to answer questions, and work as hard as she can in each tutoring session. Harmony was placed on a reward system with CIS through Class Dojo to earn points during tutoring and mentoring for staying on task, completing work on time, regular class participation, and going above and beyond when she does extra work. Class Dojo is an app that allows schools and staff to connect with parents of their students. In the app the administrator/teacher can award points to the student or an entire class. The parent then gets an alert when their child has received points. The app also allows for text/instant messaging communication between the parent and teacher to discuss services provided, grades, classroom behaviors, etc.

Harmony’s hard work is paying off with her Math grade improving and meeting her target goals for the second quarter of school. Although she still struggles at times to not call out during class in excitement to answer a question related to her work or classroom discussion, Harmony has maintained a 22 day streak of perfect behavior days on her CICO tracker and has earned additional school rewards for every CICO. The additional support from CIS has enabled Harmony to improve her grades, improve behavior, and becoming a better overall student at Supply Elementary School.

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